
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Nap Time

Before Seth was born I always intended for him to be a crib baby. My plan was to keep him in a bassinette in our bedroom for about two months and then to move him into his crib in the nursery. Well, things didn't work out quite like I'd planned, and before Seth was a month old we were sharing a family bed. Looking back, I'm glad we did it that way, though Benjamin might have another opinion.

Anyway, once we realized that we had a family bed--it really kind of took us by surprise--we then had to deal with the issue of how long. Ultimately, we decided to share our bed with Seth until we arrived in China and felt settled in. So about five or six weeks ago we took the plunge and purchased Seth's second crib, and we were determined that he would get more use out of this one than the last one (which isn't saying much). But even after we bought the crib we weren't all that vigilent about putting Seth in it. I don't know...something about the screaming and crying (him, not us) was a strong deterrant.

Well, last week we decided enough was enough, and Seth has been sleeping in his crib ever since. He goes down between 8:30 and 9:00, wakes up between 7:00 and 8:00, and then comes to bed to nurse a little before starting the day. Seth isn't thrilled about it--he'd much rather be snuggling Mommy--but he is starting to understand that there are rules for sleep, and now he only needs about 10 to 15 minutes to arrive at the Land of Nod. Score one for Mom and Dad!