
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Seth Update

For those of you who are tired of hearing about Seth, this blog post is not for you! Grandmas, grandpas, aunts, and uncles, keep reading. Seth turned 19 months old this month. Can you believe it? We are really enjoying our little man and have loved watching his transition from baby to toddler. He's such a delight (most of the time) and can almost always put a big smile on my face. Here are some of the things he's been doing.

Seth gets a real kick out of lining things up. Toy cars, water bottles, you name it--Seth isn't happy unless they are all sitting in a row.

Seth loves Oreos but only eats the filling. He also likes frosting and seems to have a sixth sense that allows him to identify which breads and sweet rolls have a filling and which don't.

One of Seth's favorite activities is pouring. We try to let him get it out of his system while he's in the bath, but he never seems to grow tired of it. I read somewhere that cups without lids are "age appropriate" for kids over 18 months, but I don't know how true that really is. (We clean up a lot of spills.) Maybe there's a difference between "age appropriate" and "a good idea"?

Seth can climb stairs fairly well on his own if he has a railing to hold onto. But no, he still doesn't climb the stairs to our fifth floor apartment.

We bought Seth a couple new pairs of shoes recently, and he loves them. One more thing for him to line up.

Seth has officially said his first word: "Dadda!" He also says "buh" to mean "ball." He's technically behind in his speech, but we aren't too worried. It's a lot of work learning two languages! He seems to understand a lot of what we say to him, and the Chinese people who interact with him say the same thing about his ability to understand Chinese. (Sometimes when I ask him to do something and he doesn't understand, I will try asking him in Chinese, but it doesn't usually have any effect. Maybe it's my pronunciation?)

So there you have it! If you are still reading, you must be fascinated by our son, so satisfy your curiosity and check out the pictures below. (Click on the thumbnail to bring up a larger picture.)