
Friday, July 24, 2009

Backyard Fun

There are so many new things to play with here in the United States! First of all, almost everywhere you look there is green grass and blue sky, and at Grandma and Grandpa Schiller's house there are fields of corn and soybeans in every direction too. Then there's all the toys Seth has never seen before (or has at least forgotten about over the past year), including a wood train that Grandpa Schiller built himself. It's made of all different types of wood and has lots of rings and blocks and rods to stack on all the different cars. As if that weren't enough, Grandpa Schiller also ordered a load of sand for the sandbox! Needless to say, Seth is enjoying his vacation so far. He doesn't even mind the fact that he has to be strapped into a car seat any time we take a drive. We thought Seth was getting spoiled in China, but his Chinese girlfriends are no match for two sets of grandparents who haven't seen him in eleven months!