
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chicago Fun

We went to Chicago for our niece's baptism last weekend. We drove in Friday night and had dinner with Mark, Jackie, and the kids. Then on Saturday we took the train a couple of stops west to eat at a little restaurant called Two Toots Cafe. There is a toy train that runs around the diner and delivers your food to your seat. The kids loved it! And since Seth's birthday was less than a week away, the train brought him a cupcake after the meal was over.

Later in the day we went to a nearby playground, which is where these pictures were taken. Seth has fallen in love with American playground equipment; the rinky-dink little slide at our KFC in Beijing pales in comparison to the the huge jungle gyms we've been playing on this summer.

On Sunday we went to Mark and Jackie's church for Therese's baptism and had dinner with the family afterward. Benjamin and I were asked to be Therese's godparents, and I felt so honored to say yes. Despite living thousands and thousands of miles apart, I know that Seth, John, and Therese will all grow up to be great friends. Thanks for showing us a great weekend, guys! We love you!