
Friday, October 30, 2009

Reverse Trick-or-Treating

The Chinese are very aware of the holiday of Halloween, and they think the traditions of carving jack-o'-lanterns, wearing costumes, and trick-or-treating are interesting and quaint, but that doesn't mean that they have adopted the holiday for themselves or that they encourage their children to gorge on chocolate once a year. In fact, last year we had a really difficult time finding a costume for Seth, so last summer when we were in the States I made sure to buy one for him. Though Halloween isn't until tomorrow, we put him in his costume today and had him pass out candy at the ICB offices. He was the cutest little dinosaur I have ever seen. (I guess that isn't saying all that much since I've never actually seen a dinosaur.) Its been a hectic couple of days with our move (we've been walking things over to our new place, but the school has hired movers for us for 8:30 Sunday morning) and still teaching full-time and trying to celebrate a holiday on top of it, but it was worth it to see how happy he made everybody.