
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lentil Soup

I have always loved the lentil soups available at Indian restaurants, and whenever I order a bowl I think, "this can't be very difficult to make." Well, I was right! Tonight for dinner I made a delicious lentil soup and served it with a cucumber and tomato salad and garlic bread. Benjamin gives it four out of five stars, but I think it deserves at least four and a half. Plus it's really inexpensive and good for you to boot!

1-1/2 cups dry brown lentils
6 cups water
1 (15 ounce) can stewed tomatoes
1 medium or 1/2 large onion, chopped
6 stalks celery, chopped
6 large or 9 small garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon curry paste
1 teaspoon curry powder
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper

Combine lentils and water; bring to a boil. Stir in tomatoes, onion, celery, and garlic. Return to boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer 30 minutes, stirring occassionally. Add seasonings and stir well. Simmer an additional 15 minutes.