
Monday, August 9, 2010

Mackinac Island

Today we returned from a very short but enjoyable trip to Mackinac Island with my side of the family. We drove up to Mackinaw City on Friday, spent Saturday on the island, and returned to my parents' house this afternoon. My parents and both of my sisters and their families were there, so we all got to spend some quality time with the extended family. More notably, my parents left my brother Michael behind. It was probably the first time in about ten years that my parents have had a break from their 24-hour care of my brother, so for them the trip was also very well-deserved. (For the record, Michael did very well with the aids; he was just a bit agitated when we left on Friday and was happy to welcome us home Sunday afternoon.)

We took the 9:00 ferry to the island and arrived around 9:20. We spent the morning walking around and looking in shops before having lunch on Main Street. Then we took the traditional carriage tour of the island, which stops at places like the Grand Hotel, Fort Mackinac, Arch Rock, the Butterfly House, etc. I had hoped to walk all the way around the island, but with taking the carriage ride in the afternoon, even my mom, the die-hard walker in our family, didn't have the time. Instead we just did more walking and shopping. Seth had been given $25 for souvenirs from Grandma Schiller, and he had some fun picking out what he was going to get. He ended up with a t-shirt (one with a boat on it--the boat rides were his favorite parts of the day) and some Zoob building blocks. We also picked up the requisite 1-1/2 pounds of fudge, which is about half gone at this point.

The trip gave me a great chance to test out my new camera, and I was very pleased with it. It is a bit more complicated than a simple point and shoot camera, so I have some learning to do before I can use all of its features, but I'm sure that will come with time. My favorite of the pictures below is the close-up of the butterfly perched on a leaf. I love how the background is out of focus and how much detail you can see on the butterfly itself.