Thinking that we had plenty of expatriate friends who live nearby, Benjamin and I attempted to organise a trick-or-treat outing for Seth. We sent out a mass e-mail a week or so ago asking people if they would like to join us and/or commit to being a stop on our route. The response was a little lower than we had anticipated, maybe because Halloween fell on a Sunday this year and most of our single or childless friends were out and about running errands and such. But we did have two other children join us: our friends Paul and Jialin brought their one-year-old daughter Charlotte dressed as a cat, and four-year-old Kaysha came dressed as a fairy with her father Kyle.
We ended up trick-or-treating at five people's places. Despite the low participation, the kids came home with buckets and bags full of candy. Almost everybody passed candy by the handful (as opposed to the "please take one piece" request you often hear in the States) or gave full-size candy bars.
We've decided that next year we will try to have a Halloween party and include more Chinese children in the festivities. Halloween is such a fun holiday that I think we should share it!