
Thursday, April 16, 2009


I love Chinese noodles, and what I love most about them is the many different varieties and styles you can get. There's thin noodles and fat noodles, round noodles and flat noodles, vegetarian noodles and meat noodles, hand-stretched noodles and pressed noodles, wheat noodles and rice noodles, and on and on. One of our favorite noodle places is just outside the school's west gate, where we can get two giant bowls of noodles for a couple dollars. (Seth goes through phases when he loves noodles and inhales them and other times when he won't touch them, so we usually just order two bowls to begin with.) You can see in the picture below how excited Seth was when we were on the way.

The plastic things that you can see hanging in the doorway are just there to be a nuisance, as far was we can tell. I always feel like I am walking through a car wash when I enter a building. When we ask the Chinese about them, they say things like, "Aren't they convenient?" I'm really not sure what they're comparing them to when they say this--a giant boulder? What they really mean to say is that they would rather swoosh the plastic things away than have to open a door. To each his or her own.