
Friday, July 3, 2009

Wandering Around Campus

I haven't been doing a lot of blogging lately--not because I am too busy but because I am not busy enough! I usually blog to procrastinate doing actual work, but other than giving and grading one final exam (on Thursday) I am completely done for the semester. I've even turned in my students' grades for classwork and attendance. Benjamin also has one more final exam (a week from Tuesday) and still has to finish up his grading for the semester.

On the day that I took these pictures, Seth and I went outside in the early evening just to wander around and get out of Benjamin's hair while he made dinner (BLTs--yum!). In the first picture Seth is standing in front of what will be our school's new basketball and tennis courts, the old ones having been paved over a year ago to provide parking for the Olympics. The other pictures were taken in front of our school's gymnasium, where the Olympic wrestling matches were held.